Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day Dreaming

Grant and I are enjoying every moment of living in Italy and are thrilled about the next two years here, but there’s no denying that we miss Alaska. Especially now, when amazing winter Chugach Range sunrises and freezing, but beautiful walks to work were the norm for me (Grant has been gone with the Navy longer than I have) and rosy cheeks, shoveling snow, and Kaladi coffee were part of daily life. We reminisce about it often and are so excited for a trip back, whenever that may be. For now, we’ll enjoy exploring amazing Italy and dream about home.

If you close your eyes & imagine for a moment, you could be here too.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Path of the Gods, Amalfi Coast

Our first hiking adventure in Italy!

A fun drive along the Amalfi Coast took us to an amazing trail called the Path of the Gods (Sentiero degli Dei).It wasn't the easiest place to find as we discovered multiple places claiming to be the actual path of the gods.

Our GPS, Jack, took us through some random neighborhoods & alleyways barely wide enough for our little car. We eventually realized that we were on the wrong side of the mountain. After arguing with Jack and threatening to get another GPS, he finally took us to the town of Nocelle where we found the trailhead.

The path of the gods took us along oceanside cliffs and through beautiful out-of-season vineyards. The weather was perfect & we ended the hike with a tasty dinner in a local restaurant that overlooked a sunset on the Mediterranean.

For more pictures, click here.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Fall is just beginning in Italy and this past weekend was gorgeous in Rome! We drove up Friday night and visited some of the famous sites of Rome, drank plenty of cappuccinos and walked along the Tiber River. Beautiful!

For more pictures of Rome, click here.